
Sometimes it's good to build up walls, not to keep anyone out but to see who cares enough to knock them down.

I found a new reason why not to blog. I don't have anything to blog about. I've been wondering for like half an hour what should I write about and I still don't know but let's not let that matter.
Today's a great day because no need to go to school. Instead of going to school I have to read to my maths and french tests. I'm so glad it's weekend soon but I have to read swedish and some finnish grammar though. Today is Ascension Day which means groceries are not open today damn I should've bought my Kinder Bueno yesterday.
App works well but I found a new bug. I can't place pictures where I want because they automatically go in the end of the post and that really sucks.
5 days left to Bring Me the Horizon and Your Demise yay and title lyrics are from The Color Morale's Learned Behavior.

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